Free Papers Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission Form was closed on 31 January 2015 (Midnight CET) |
Guidelines for the Submission of Abstracts
Participants interested in presenting an oral or poster presentation are invited to submit an abstract. All abstracts will undergo peer review by the Abstract Review Committee and may be accepted for oral presentation, poster presentation or rejected.
Presentation Types available:
- ORAL (refers to abstracts accepted for oral presentation at the podium in dedicated free paper sessions)
- POSTER (refers to abstracts accepted for poster presentation in the exhibition area at dedicated poster sessions during break times)
All accepted abstracts of registered authors will be published in USB key and distributed to all participants of the congress.
Submission of Abstracts
- Only abstracts submitted via the online submission form will be sent to the Abstract Review Committee for review.
- The Committee will endeavor to schedule abstracts according to authors’ preferences but reserves the right to decide on the final form of presentation.
- You will receive confirmation that your abstract has been received, indicating the original submission number which it has been allocated. Please refer to this number in all correspondence regarding the abstract.
- All abstracts will be forwarded to the Committee for review. Notifications regarding status will be sent once the review process is complete.
Rules for Submission
- All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication. If you need help, please arrange for the review of your abstract by a colleague who is a native English speaker, by a university scientific publications office (or other similar facility) or by a copy editor, prior to submission.
- Before submitting the abstract, the Abstract Submitter will be required to confirm the following:
- I confirm that I previewed this abstract and that all information is correct. I accept that the content of this abstract cannot be modified or corrected after final submission and I am aware that it will be published exactly as submitted.
- Submission of the abstract constitutes my consent to publication (e.g. Congress website, program, other promotions, etc.)
- The Abstract Submitter warrants and represents that he/she is the sole owner or has the rights of all the information and content ('Content') provided to the 3rd European Congress ORL HNS 2015 and Guarant (Hereafter: “The Organizers'). The publication of the abstract does not infringe any third party rights including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights.
- The Abstract Submitter grants the Organisers a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable nonexclusive license to use, reproduce, publish, translate, distribute, and display the Content.
- The Organizers reserve the right to remove from any publication an abstract which does not comply with the above.
- I herewith confirm that the contact details saved in this system are those of the corresponding author, who will be notified about the status of the abstract. The corresponding author is responsible for informing the other authors about the status of the abstract
Guidelines for Submission
Before you begin, please prepare the following information:
- Presenting author's contact details -
- Email address
- Author and co-authors' details -
- Full first and family name(s)
- Affiliation details: department, institution / hospital, city, state (if relevant), country
- Topic Selection - to view the list of Abstract Topics, please click here.
- Abstract title - limited to 200 characters including spaces in UPPER CASE
- Abstract - limited to 2800 characters including spaces (i.e. total number of characters in fields: Abstract title, Affiliations of authors, Authors, Abstract, Acknowledgement)
- Abstract content - limited 2000 characters including spaces
- Graphs and images - Not allowed.
Abstract Notification
All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and all the authors will be notified about their acceptance/rejection of the abstract at the end of March, 2015.